Plans that work for you

At White Lotus, we understand that every nonprofit has unique bookkeeping needs. That's why we offer two pricing packages to meet those needs and help you achieve your goals.

Both of our pricing packages come with the same commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We always work on a monthly flat rate fee structure with no hidden costs or surprises, giving you the peace of mind you deserve.

No matter which you choose, our goal is to provide personalized bookkeeping, so you can focus on what truly matters - your mission.

Two Options for the White Lotus Experience

Classic Package

(This fits the needs of most nonprofits)

In the first pricing track, your organization uses White Lotus’s expert-created processes and systems. Our system has been tried and tested by our team of professionals. You can enjoy the benefits of streamlined and efficient bookkeeping at a lower monthly fee. In addition to the convenience and cost savings, you're able to draw on our decade of experience for best practices working for dozens of other clients in the nonprofit space.

Custom Package

Although we are confident in our own processes, we understand that we may not know everything about your organization’s unique needs. We’re happy to tailor our service to your needs  through the Custom Track. With the Custom Track, we’ll tailor make a plan designed to fit your nonprofit’s specific bookkeeping structures and processes. Your systems will become our systems and modify our processes to fit your needs. This track offers a seamless transition for you and your in-house team from the beginning.

Investing in You

For both tracks, the pricing is based on a 12-month annual contract on a monthly payment plan. We only work with an annual contract structure, so we can commit to being a partner with your organization and have the time to shape your books into an effective tool for you.

This 12-month bookkeeping contract is a fixed amount with no additional fees or payments.

Classic Package

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Internal Process
Accounting Software
Expense and Payments
Receipt Submission
Collaboration Tool
Invoicing Software
Donor Management System
Grant reporting
Classic Package
Our expertly designed processes
QuickBooks Online**
Google Drive
QuickBooks Online
Your current system
Standard reports
Provide financial data to you
Learn More
Your unique processes
QuickBooks Online**
Your preferred platform
Your preferred portal/system
Any tool
Any invoicing software
Your current system
Custom reporting
Submit grant report for you
Learn More

* For nonprofits with $75k in yearly revenue
** We will help you switch if needed!

No matter which package you choose, we will always provide:
  • Exceptional customer service.
  • Hassle-free communications for your convenience.
  • Comprehensive understanding of your finances.
  • Expert advice and guidance when you need it.
  • Assurance in the accuracy and reliability of your records.
  • Full compliance with nonprofit accounting standards and regulations.
  • Account setup and regular review.
  • Bank account reconciliation.
  • Timely monthly financial statements/reports.
  • Guidance on grant management and reporting.
  • Recording payroll
  • Expert-curated support for your organization’s specific needs.

To discover how our accountants can seamlessly integrate with your team, CLICK BELOW to book our FREE 30-minute strategy session today.

Ready to learn how White Lotus Bookkeeping can take you further?
Contact us today

Compliance Services

We offer discounts on Tax Compliance services:
  • Filing Form 990: We will help you prepare and file your Form 990.
  • 1099 Prep & Filing: We will help you file your 1099s for all of your independent contractors.